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Hong Kong Volleyball League

Volleyball League 2024

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Basketball League 2024

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Bauerfeind Supports

We supports Hong Kong Athletes

Protect and stabilise!

Effective protection against excessive strain: thanks to gentle compression, the sports supports improve the body's ability to control movement during longer sporting activities. At the same time, the support massages the ligaments, tendons, muscles, and the connective tissue, which in turn has a positive impact on the sensorimotor system. This combats the risk of stress and injury, meaning the pain associated with excessive strain subsides more quickly.

Protect and stabilise!

Effective protection against excessive strain: thanks to gentle compression, the sports supports improve the body's ability to control movement during longer sporting activities. At the same time, the support massages the ligaments, tendons, muscles, and the connective tissue, which in turn has a positive impact on the sensorimotor system. This combats the risk of stress and injury, meaning the pain associated with excessive strain subsides more quickly.

The training program on the eve of the game has become more intense.

I can wear Bauerfeind Merino Compression Socks for running in this winter :)

Comfortable compression socks

Feet are particularly susceptible to fatigue and soreness. A pair of
efficient and comfortable compression socks is really important 🐑Fleece
compression socks by Bauerfeind Sports Merion After several runs
wearing these functional compression socks.

Protect and stabilise!

Effective protection against excessive strain: thanks to gentle compression, the sports supports improve the body's ability to control movement during longer sporting activities. At the same time, the support massages the ligaments, tendons, muscles, and the connective tissue, which in turn has a positive impact on the sensorimotor system. This combats the risk of stress and injury, meaning the pain associated with excessive strain subsides more quickly.

Protect and stabilise!

Effective protection against excessive strain: thanks to gentle compression, the sports supports improve the body's ability to control movement during longer sporting activities. At the same time, the support massages the ligaments, tendons, muscles, and the connective tissue, which in turn has a positive impact on the sensorimotor system. This combats the risk of stress and injury, meaning the pain associated with excessive strain subsides more quickly.

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What is the benefit of a knee strap ?

髕骨帶(Knee Strap)有咩用途?

護膝有好多種,當中嘅髕骨帶係咩嚟又有咩用途? 今日Bauerfeind嘅專業團隊大家拆解髕骨帶(Knee Strap) 嘅用途,同點解對跑手特別有用啦! 什麼是髕骨帶? 與我們非常熟悉的膝部支撐或護膝不同,髕骨帶的形狀截然不同。髕骨帶也被稱為髕腱帶,它可以保持膝部的正確對齊,以減少拉力。 髕骨帶和護膝之間有什麼不同? 治療不同的傷害 治療的時間和部位 以配戴舒適先行 髕骨帶體積較小,無咁...

3 Common Injuries During Hiking and How to Prevent Them



Protection you need when hiking


香港有各樣唔同地勢同難度嘅行山徑,而係唔同嘅行山徑上都會需要唔同嘅保護。 而不論難度都會出現嘅問題係膝部嘅痛楚同不適,特別係膝前嘅痛楚同活動不舒。因為行山期間嘅落斜同上落樓梯都會對膝部做成壓力。 運動髕骨帶可以係行山期間透過在膝蓋骨下方提供有針對性的壓縮來緩解髕腱的壓力。帶有四個凸點壓力點的特殊墊,可在運動過程中發揮有益的按摩作用,


所有訂單滿港幣 500 元免運費



